Creating an Expense
In Salesforce, expenses are anything an employee personally paid for, and needs to be reimbursed, including mileage, parking, tolls, meals, etc. These expenses can often be charged back to the project, and therefore will need an assignment to enter. If you are entering expenses for a non-billable project, for example if you paid for OHS training, you can enter those on the OHS project without an assignment.
To enter an Expense, on your home screen or at the top of your Salesforce page, click Multiple Expense Entry UI.
From the Expense Entry screen, enter the project/assignment you are putting the expense to, and choose the date that the expense was from. Please ensure you put the date on the receipt as the date of the expense.
Scroll to the right side of the screen, and choose the Province where you purchased the item, and the category of the expense. Most expenses are related to client projects, so that is the default option. The Category of the expense determines the options in the Type drop down, so once you have chosen the Category you can go back to the left side and enter the rest of the information. Choose the type of expense from the Type drop down, add a description of the expense, and the total amount (including all taxes and tip, if applicable).
If the expense is a Meal, you must either enter the Tip amount or click the checkbox “meal expense has no tip” in order to save.
If the expense is Mileage, do not enter the amount in dollars. Enter the total kms travelled. This will automatically calculate the amount that you should be reimbursed, and will apply the correct rate to the charge the client on a billable project.
Click Save or Save All.
Once you have saved the expenses, you will see a paperclip icon appear. Now you can upload any documentation you have related to the expense, for example a receipt from a restaurant. Click the paperclip icon, browse to the file on your computer, click Attach File and Close.
Save everything again, and now you can choose which expenses you wish to submit using the checkboxes on the left side of the screen. Click Submit to submit everything.