Creating a Timecard / Time Entry
Time tracking is the basis of all project management. In our Org, we require you to enter time in Salesforce for all worked hours. You do NOT need to enter time for vacation, illness, statutory holidays.
To enter time on a Billable Customer Project, you first need an assignment. Once you have created your assignment, you can enter time. Click on Time Entry, either at the top of your Salesforce page, on the right side of your home page, or on a project.
This will bring you to the Time Entry screen:
This is where you will enter all your worked hours. The best practice, is to enter and submit your time daily. You MUST submit your time for the week by the end of the day on Friday. Submitting your time is what pushes the entries to Dayforce, allowing our HR/Accounting department to complete payroll.
You will notice in the example above, that Sunday, Monday and Saturday are teal. In a typical week, only the weekends will be shaded. This example shows a Statutory Holiday for the Monday. If you work on a weekend, you can still enter time on those days, they function the same as other days in the week. This shading is simply a visual cue for you so that you don’t accidentally enter time on a holiday.
To enter time, you can either (A) select the assignment from the schedules and choose Copy Selected Schedules or (B) you can enter the assignment name or nickname in the Project/Assignment box. Both options create the same result.
Once you have entered the assignment, you will choose a milestone from the drop down menu. Choose whichever milestone makes sense for what you are doing on the project. It may be a phase, such as Schematic Design, Construction Documents and Design Development, or it may just be General.
Once you have your milestone chosen, click on the day of the week you are entering time for and put in the number of hours you worked on the job. You will also have to enter notes for your timecard, and to do so you can either double click on the hours you entered or click on the notes at the right of the row.
Once you have entered your hours and notes, you can click Save, and then Submit. You can choose to submit all timecards at once, or if you only want to submit a few of the timecards, you can click the checkbox on the left of the row and submit only those timecards that are checked.
Of Note: Everything on one row is one timecard. This means that if you entered on the same row on Wednesday and Thursday, and you want to invoice the Wednesday time, but not Thursday, you can’t do that. All time on a single timecard is either Billable or Not.
Best practice is to enter each day on a separate row, even if you are working on the same project, doing the same milestone.