Preferred IT Tools - Communication from Olivier and Paul - 2024-08-14
We are excited to announce the culmination of a company-wide effort to identify and implement the most appropriate IT tools for our organization. After thorough evaluations and collaboration over the years between CEP employees, LRI employees, the IT Team, external consultants and our partner the BDC, we have selected Microsoft, Salesforce, and Egnyte to be at the center of our work. These tools will serve as the cornerstone of our IT infrastructure as we move forward.
Early in 2024, multiple employee work sessions took place to identify daily actions that are done inconsistently or inefficiently. The team found that there were multiple variations between practice groups and offices, stemming from a lack of or having too many tools, practice variations, office and personal preferences. There is a desire to streamline communication channels, and to increase consistency going forward. The categories of daily actions have been grouped under six categories:
Internal Communications
Correspondence with External Stakeholders regarding Projects
Calendar Management
Project Management
Report Writing/Review
Recently, the CEP Operations Committee, a dedicated LRI Committee of users and the IT Team have come to an agreement: a guideline made in alignment with the previously identified needs and using Microsoft, Salesforce and Egnyte. We have called this guideline “Preferred IT Tools”. We are now providing comprehensive information about these guidelines to help you integrate them seamlessly into your daily work.
To assist you in adopting the Preferred IT Tools, we have summarized the guidelines in a drawing, with detailed, step-by-step instructions provided in the linked knowledge articles. We invite you to click on the blue items to view the content that will assist you during the transition. The Operations Manual will be updated accordingly and you will receive the new version in the coming months.
Please note the IT Team is committed to ensuring the Preferred IT Tools are well-supported and optimized for our use. In line with this, stay tuned for the launch of Project Salesforce 2.5 in 2025, an initiative to continue optimizing our Salesforce org. This project will balance tailoring to our needs and leveraging industry best practices and high-quality functionalities easy to align with software upgrades.
We appreciate your cooperation with this initiative, which supports our capacity to sustain and responsibly expand the company with robust processes.
Paul Gullekson, P.Eng.
Senior Vice-President Forensics
Olivier Beaudry, CPA auditeur
Vice-President Finance and IT
CEP Forensic
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