Group Calendar - create your own group of calendars
Group Calendars - you can create a personal group of calendars in your outlook calendar if you want to see mulitple people. It only works from the standard desktop app, not the online version or the teams version (as far as I know). But here is how you create them if you want. It is a really easy way to turn scheduled on/off for the entire group if you are looking for a meeting time, or just want to see where someone is.
Navigate to the Calendars pane and right click on My Calendars and click New Calendar Group from the menu
Once you click that Outlook will generate a new calendar space where you can choose to name the group whatever you like - for example in my case I named it "group calendar test" - once that's done, to add users to this calendar you will right click on the new calendar you just created > click add calendar > from address book.
This should open a global address list where you will find every user at CEP's email address - just simply search their name in the search box and click the calendar button at the bottom to add them until you have everyone you want in this calendar and then click ok once you're done.
After that's done you will see all the users you just added appear (it could take a couple minutes to load) under the group calendar you just created where you can just toggle the entire calendar off or on to see the users in said group.
For more information, here's a short article from Microsoft : Create, view, or delete a calendar group - Microsoft Support
Kristie de Jong
Salesforce and Reporting Coordinator