Configure Outlook on MacOS (Old and New Outlook)
In some cases, Outlook automatically retrieves data from your Google account and displays Gmail emails within Outlook. This is not what we want. Outlook emails should be displayed within Outlook, any other account must be removed. Please follow the instructions below to confirm that you have the right account within Outlook.
1) Open Outlook on your MacBook. At the top left of the window, click on Outlook, and then Settings.
2) On the settings panel, select Accounts.
3) If the account listed here is an Office 365 account, you don't need to do anything else. Your account has been imported successfully and you can start using Outlook right away. If any other account is displayed (Google), go to step 4.
4) If the account listed here is a Google account, it has to be removed. You can tell by looking at the logo and account name. Make sure the account is selected and then remove it using the minus (-) sign.
5) Once the account has been removed, you can now add the Microsoft account. Select Add an account and enter your CEP email address. Once the email has been entered, click on Continue.
6) IMPORTANT: On this screen, do not click on Continue. You must select Not from Google (at the top right) and select Office 365 as your provider.
7) Once you receive confirmation that your account has been successfully added, you can click on Done. Keep in mind that depending on the size of your inbox, emails might take a while to load.